Thursday, 28 January 2010

Time passed so fast

Finaly I got all I need for our baby! Gosh, time passed so fast! It seems that just few days ago I've done pregnancy test... Next week I'm having a baby!!! I look at his bed and can't believe- soon here will sleep my boy, my little angel. The biggest miracle in the world. My son. And he will call me "mother". Wow, I never thought I could be so happy. Happy is not that word, it's something much more strong :)


Had a great day and I should thank for it my boyfriend, father of my son.

1 comment:

Marie said...

Hi Simona !
i have just discovered your blog.... and your nice xstitch work ! i love the HAE designs too, Aquarius is very nice (all Josephine wall designs are nice !!!)...
I suppose that you will have less time for stitching with your baby... i hope everything will go well next week.
Hope to read you soon again !